The Original two guys the Bachelors con and Dec>
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Home of The Bachelors Sixties Superstars The Bachelors about The Bachelors biog. History Pictures of The Bachelors sixties Recording Stars Posters, Flyers of The Bachelors Con and Dec, sixties Check the Date to book The Bachelors con and Dec, sixties Contact The Bachelors con and Dec?

The 78th Bachelors' release:



Bachelors Con and Dec best party band

The Bachelors founders Dec and Con, the guys who sang EVERY Bachelors' hit - now released their 78th album ... yes, seventy eigth album.... 'Stripped Down Bachelors'

Con and Dec The Bachelors in concert with their Sixties Greatest Hits

Con and Dec The Bachelors in their 50th Anniversary Golden Tour - Wow!

The Bachelors keep in touch with Dec and Con the Bachelors sixties fun
Con and Dec The Bachelors on Twitter talking about the Sixties
The Bachelors on Facebook with Dec and Con in the sixties
Con and Dec The Bachelors heard on MySpace with Sixties

Check out Dec Cluskey at